Ingrown Toenail Surgery

Ingrown Toenail Surgery

At The Perth Podiatrists, we diagnose and treat all kinds of nail problems, including ingrown toenails.   

Ingrown toenails can occur at any age and usually occurs when the edge of the nail grows into the skin of the toe. There may be pain, redness and swelling around the nail. If left untreated, they become painful and the nail can grow into the skin quite significantly, leading to infection and bleeding if knocked. This will start to impact your everyday activities with pain when wearing shoes.

Causes Of Ingrown Toenails

  • Poor nail cutting. 

  • Anatomical shape of the nail. 

  • Tight shoes. 

  • Trauma. 

  • Pressure from other toes. 

  • Nail bed tumours or bony spurs below the nail. 

  • Medication. 

At The Perth Podiatrists, one of our podiatrists can assess your ingrown toenail and determine if the problem can be managed conservatively. This may include one or more of the following. 

  • Temporarily cutting back the nail to remove a sharp edge or point. 

  • Providing toe separators and taping. 

  • Advising you on appropriate footwear. 

  • Advising you on appropriate wound care. 

  • Provide appropriate oral antibiotics when necessary. 

However, nail surgery may become necessary if the infection is severe, the ingrown nails recur due to anatomical shape or conservative treatment is unsatisfactory. 

About ingrown toenail surgery.

The removal of an ingrown toenail is a minor surgical procedure performed at a longer appointment time under local anaesthetic. If a permanent procedure is required to alter the nail plate and prevent recurring ingrown toenails, your podiatrist will discuss the procedure in detail. Once the toe is numbed with local anaesthetic, a tourniquet is applied to the toe while the offending nail edge is removed, normally the entire edge of a nail is removed including the base of the nail exposing the nail bed. This allows the treating podiatrist to cauterise the nail bed preventing that entire edge of nail from regrowing. Aftercare is normally performed at home, and you will be provided with written instructions following the procedure. 

At The Perth Podiatrists, the most common procedure performed does not cause post operative pain. We also offer a Penthrox Inhaler — also known informally as “the green whistle” for patients who feel anxious. We understand that some patients will be feeling anxious. So, this self-administered form of pain relief is offered to patients who are feeling apprehensive about the surgery or needles.

Ingrown toenail surgery aftercare.

This minor procedure is relatively non-invasive with no cutting of the skin or stitches being required. Normally patients report very little or no pain post operatively as the cauterisation process numbs nerve endings, with patients only requiring Panadol occasionally. There will only be a small wound present, which normally takes from two to three weeks to heal completely. During this period, you can normally wear shoes with a dressing covering the wound and you are permitted to shower normally, and swim in the later stages of wound healing in the ocean.  

During the healing period, the wound must stay clean — which is something you can manage at home. We’ll advise you on the specifics of this following your surgery,  

You will require a few post-operative appointments and your podiatrist may adjust your aftercare if required. 

Ingrown toenail surgery at The Perth Podiatrists.

Whether conservative treatments or surgical intervention is necessary, we’d love to help you get back on your feet with a personalised treatment plan for your ingrown toenail. You’re welcome to come without a referral — simply book online to arrange a consultation with one of our friendly podiatrists.

Gregory McCluney