Why Laser Is Currently The Best Fungal Nail Treatment

laser fungal nail treatment

Fungal nail infections, also known as onychomycosis, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, predominantly occurring in the toenails but can also occur in fingernails.

Fungal or yeast spores attach to the nail and/or the nail bed, leading to an overgrowth of fungal elements in the nail. This then causes nails to become thickened, discoloured and brittle. The nail may also lift off the nail bed. If left untreated, nail fungus can cause pain, develop an odour and spread to other nails or the skin.

There are various treatment options to combat fungal nail infections, including topical medications, oral medications, and Fungal Nail Laser Therapy. In recent years, laser treatment has gained popularity for its effectiveness in treating fungal nails over traditional methods.

In this article, we’ll explore fungal nail infections and why we, at The Perth Podiatrists, consider Fungal Nail Laser Therapy the preferred option in treating Fungal Nails and as your Perth Podiatrist, we’ll discuss why it is important to obtain a clear diagnosis prior to treatment.


What causes fungal nail infections?

Fungal nail infections are caused by fungi, typically dermatophytes, which thrive in warm, moist environments, such as public showers, locker rooms and swimming pools. The fungi invade the nails through tiny cracks or cuts in the skin around the nails or through the nail itself, leading to an infection that can affect one or multiple nails.


What are the symptoms of fungal nail infections?

Fungal nail Infections usually begin as a white, yellow or light brown spot beneath the nail and spread over time. The nail becomes discoloured, thickened, brittle and may emit a foul odour, becoming very unsightly, especially in open footwear. Fungal nails infections can cause pain from footwear pressure, especially when walking in shoes and if left untreated, the infection can spread and cause permanent damage to the nails and spread to other members in a house if you use the same wash areas or nail cutting implements. The nails affected may become so thick that they are impossible to cut.


What are the traditional fungal nail treatment options?

Over the years, several treatment options have been developed to combat fungal nail infections, including topical, oral medications and mechanical treatments.

  • Topical medications, such as antifungal creams, lotions or nail lacquers, are applied directly to the affected nail(s) and surrounding skin. Topical medications are often ineffective as they cannot penetrate the nail and nail plate deeply enough to reach the site of infection.  However, at The Perth Podiatrists and in conjunction with a Perth Pharmacist have developed a compounded topical medication that contains a high Urea content which softens the nail and allows the antifungal medicine to reach the target site.  Please ask your Perth Podiatrist for further information.

  • Oral medications, such as antifungal tablets, are prescribed for more severe cases of fungal nails. Unfortunately, they have potential side effects which require careful monitoring which includes blood tests and may be contra-indicated in patients especially if they present with liver or kidney issues.  Oral medication may need to be taken for 3 months or more.

  •  Mechanical treatments, such as debridement (removal of infected nail debris) and filing, are often used in conjunction with topical and/or oral medications to improve the efficacy of those treatments.


While these traditional treatment options may provide relief for some patients, they are not always the most effective or permanent treatment in eradicating the infection.


What about laser fungal nail treatment?

In recent years, Fungal Nail Laser Treatment has emerged as a promising option for treating fungal nail infections. Also known as Fungal Nail Laser Therapy uses a focused beam of invisible light to target and destroy the fungi that causes the infection, without harming the surrounding healthy tissue. The Pinpoint Laser can penetrate the nail plate, reach the site of infection and efficiently kill the fungi with heat.

A Perth Podiatrist may discuss some of the options outlined above but at The Perth Podiatrists we will properly assess your nails prior to treatment, test the nail when required for fungal elements and discuss all the treatments options available to you.  We will also classify the degree of infection prior to treatment and advice you of your expected outcome and take digital pictures. It is very important to correctly diagnose your nail disorder as other conditions may affect the nails and mimic the appearance of fungal nails, such as Psoriatic Nails.

Fungal Nail Laser Treatment has emerged as a treatment of choice amongst many podiatrists for its efficacy and numerous advantages over traditional treatments as outlined below.


High success rates

Fungal Nail Laser Treatment has shown to be highly effective in treating fungal nail infections, with success rates ranging from 70% to 90% in clinical studies. A Laser treatment can reach areas that topical medications cannot, providing a better chance of completely eradicating the infection.


Non-invasive & safe

Laser treatment is a non-invasive and safe option with no side effects. It’s a painless procedure with a warming effect of the nail and nail bed during or after the treatment. Unlike oral medications, there are no potential side effects associated with laser treatment.


Quick & convenient

Laser fungal nail treatment is a quick and convenient option for patients. Each session is typically completed in 15 - 30 minutes after your initial consultation, depending on the severity of the infection and the number of nails being treated. For optimal results, most patients undergo multiple sessions spaced out over a few weeks. There is no downtime required following treatment and patients can resume their regular activities immediately after a session and can even paint their toenails.


Minimal risk of recurrence

Once the Fungal Nail Infection has resolved, there is a low risk of re-infection.  However, your Podiatrist will discuss the necessary methods of preventing re-infection and it will be important to maintain the correct foot hygiene, taking preventive measures to avoid reinfection.


Minimal side effects

Laser treatment for fungal nails is generally well-tolerated, with no side effects. Some patients may experience mild warmth or tingling sensations during the treatment, which quickly subsides. There is no risk of allergic reactions, and the treatment does not damage the nail or surrounding skin.


Please choose The Perth Podiatrists for you Fungal Laser Therapy as we understand the infections can be unpleasant, unsightly, and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are effective treatment options available, and your Perth Podiatrist will discuss these at your initial consultation.  Fungal Nail Laser Therapy is suitable for all patients, except patients with peripheral neuropathy.  It is becoming the treatment of choice amongst podiatrists due to its numerous advantages. It’s a highly effective, safe, and convenient option for treating fungal nail infections with excellent long-term results.


Fungal Nail Treatment at The Perth Podiatrists

If you suspect you may have a fungal nail infection, it’s essential to consult a qualified podiatrist sooner rather than later. At The Perth Podiatrists, our experienced podiatrists will diagnose and assess the severity of the infection and determine whether you could benefit from laser treatment. Take the first step Fungal Nail Laser Treatment towards healthier, clearer nails and book a consultation with us today.


Please note, Fungal Nail Laser Therapy is only performed at the Duncraig location.

Please visit The Perth Podiatrsits - Duncraig

Gregory McCluney