Sports Podiatry's Role in Peroneal Tendonitis Treatment

In the world of sports, physical health determines an athlete's performance. Every sprint, leap, or pivot involves many moving parts of the body which includes bones, muscles and tendons. Of these, the foot often bears the brunt of rigorous training regimes and high-intensity performances but also with amateur running and walking. Despite its resilient anatomy, it's not immune to ailments. When issues arise, the sports podiatrist can help.

Sports podiatry (a blend of biomechanics, sports science, and clinical expertise) provides bespoke solutions tailored to athletes' unique challenges. One of the frequent conditions is peroneal tendonitis. As athletes continuously push their physical thresholds, early diagnosis, effective management, and preventive measures against this ailment are paramount.

Peroneal Tendonitis

Peroneal tendonitis is the inflammation of the peroneal tendons or tendon sheath. These tendons are situated near the fibula, a bone on the lower leg's outer segment. Their primary function is to stabilise the foot and ankle. When exposed to frequent or high-intensity activities, these tendons are prone to inflammation and injury especially in recurrent inversion injuries or instability of the foot and ankle. This is especially true for athletes who enjoy high-impact sports, endurance running, or dance.

The experience of peroneal tendonitis varies from minor irritations to debilitating pain that hinders movement. The inflammation might cause swelling, warmth, and redness around the outer ankle, with the pain potentially intensifying during activity.

Early Detection

Diagnosing peroneal tendonitis at its inception is a game-changer. Without timely intervention, this seemingly benign condition can morph into a chronic concern or, worse, cause irreparable damage to the tendon.

Sports podiatrists combine hands-on clinical examinations with cutting-edge diagnostic tools, such as an ultrasound or MRI.  An ultrasound will confirm the sports podiatrist clinical diagnosis but also ascertains the severity of the injury and is used to exclude other foot pathologies such as ruptured ligaments.  A sports podiatrist will assess the foot function and your gait pattern, to determine any factors which repetitively increase the load on the peroneal tendon.

Treatment Modalities

1.     Rest and Ice: Rest and ice are your primary line of treatment.

2.     Anti-inflammatory Measures: Sports podiatrists may prescribe oral anti-inflammatory drugs, topical creams, or suggest and ultrasound guided cortisone injection in severe cases. Each method is tailored to the patient's unique needs, ensuring optimal pain relief and inflammation control.

3.     Physical Therapy: A structured physical therapy regimen comprises exercises and stretches aimed at strengthening the tendons and surrounding muscles. It also promotes flexibility, crucial for reducing the recurrence risk and would be combined with other treatment modalities. A sports podiatrist understands the importance of strength and stability in managing peroneal tendonitis.

4.     Customised Orthotics: Customised orthotics may be used, when appropriate, to prevent abnormal foot function that increase load on the peroneal tendon.

5.     Footwear Management: A sports podiatrist will provide you with advice on the most appropriate shoe for your activities.

6.     Advanced Therapies: High Powered Laser Therapy (HPLT) may be used to promote healing, and is used in combination with other treatment modalities, with excellent results. Ultrasound guided cortisone injections are normally reserved for the more chronic and severe tendinopathies.


Prevention revolves around education and proactive care:

  • Routine Assessments: Regular check-ups with a sports podiatrist can highlight potential risk factors.

  • Footwear Recommendations: The right shoe can make all the difference. A podiatrist can recommend footwear based on an athlete’s specific activity and foot structure.

  • Training Guidance: Balanced training regimens that incorporate rest, varied exercises, and strength training can mitigate the risk of tendonitis.

Your Feet Deserve the Best: Consult the Experts

Facing issues with peroneal tendonitis or any foot-related discomfort? Don't let it sideline your passion or daily routine. The Perth Podiatrists are your go-to specialists, combining years of expertise with cutting-edge treatments. Trust your feet in the hands of the experts. Schedule your appointment today and stride forward with confidence. Book your consultation now to begin your journey to foot wellness.

Gregory McCluney