Main Reasons Why You Need a Sports Podiatrist

sports podiatrist for your feet

Sports activities, hiking and walking are great ways to stay active. Staying active is important for maintaining your physical and mental health and of course, it’s a lot of fun. However, many activities put a lot of strain on your feet, ankles and lower limbs, making them susceptible to injuries. Podiatrists at The Perth Podiatrists are trained as Sports Podiatrists to accurately diagnose and treat sports injuries of the foot and lower limb.

Sports Podiatrists specialise and focus on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of foot and lower limb injuries related to sports and physical activity.

In this article, we’ll discuss seven reasons why seeing one of our podiatrists can help you to stay healthy and injury-free in your athletic endeavours.

1. Sports-specific foot and lower limb injuries

Different sports demand different movements, which can strain specific areas of your feet and lower limbs. It’s common for long-distance runners to experience plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis and stress fractures, while soccer players more commonly suffer from sprained ankles, turf toe and shin splints. Our Podiatrists have clinical knowledge and experience in identifying and treating sports-specific injuries. A Sports Podiatrist can identify sports-specific foot and lower limb injuries and provide tailored treatment plans to help you prevent, manage and rectify your problem.

2. Correct footwear and orthotics

Footwear plays an enormous role in sports-related foot and lower limb injuries. A Sports Podiatrist can perform an assessment of your feet and recommend appropriate footwear for your specific sport or activity. They can prescribe orthotics, which are custom-designed shoe inserts, to support your feet and correct any biomechanical issues that may be contributing to your injuries. Orthotics can help improve foot function, reduce pain and prevent injury. A Sports Podiatrist can ensure you get the correct orthotics for your specific needs.

3. Biomechanical assessment and gait analysis

Your foot and lower limb biomechanics affect your overall athletic performance, as well as your risk of injury. The Perth Podiatrists can conduct a biomechanical assessment and gait analysis to identify any abnormalities or imbalances in your feet, such as overpronation or excessive supination. These issues can create incorrect foot and lower limb alignment, resulting in stress or weaknesses in certain areas such as your feet, shins and knees, making you more prone to injuries. With the findings, a Sports Podiatrist can develop a tailored treatment plan. Treatment may include stretching and exercise programs, orthotics to correct your biomechanics to improve your performance.

4. Injury prevention strategies

Prevention is always better than a cure. A Sports Podiatrist can be an effective resource for preventing injuries and keeping you safe during sports activities. They can provide guidance on warm-up and cool-down routines, stretching and strengthening exercises to support your specific sport or activity. A Sports Podiatrist will assist with your footwear selection, training techniques and recovery strategies. Proactively addressing your potential risk factors and taking preventive measures will minimise your chances of getting injured.

5. Injury diagnosis and treatment

Unfortunately, even if you do take preventive measures, sports-related injuries can still occur. When you sustain an injury, it’s crucial to have a timely and accurate diagnosis, as well as appropriate treatment to facilitate a full recovery and prevent long-term complications. A Sports Podiatrist is trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of sports-related foot and lower limb injuries. This includes, ligament sprains and ruptures, fractures and joint capsule injuries such as a plantar-plate-injury. Your Podiatrist may use diagnostic tools, such as x-rays, an MRI, or an ultrasound to confirm your clinical diagnoses or to better assess the extent of the injury. This injury helps your Podiatrist develop a more accurate treatment plan.

Treatment may include RICE (Rest Ice, Compression, Elevation), pain management with oral medication, immobilisation with braces or casts and physical therapy. The Perth Podiatrists may also suggest and provide more specialised treatments, such as shockwave therapy and/or joint mobilisations, to promote healing and reduce pain. When required, your Podiatrist can arrange for an ultrasound guided cortisone injection. Our Podiatrists will monitor your progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan as needed to ensure optimal recovery and return to your sporting activity.

6. Return to sports rehabilitation

Careful rehabilitation after a sports injury will prevent recurrence of that injury. A Sports Podiatrist can help you to prevent reinjury. They can develop a customised rehabilitation program tailored to you and your specific need and sports activity. They will consider your injury, fitness level and goals. A sports podiatrist will guide you through the rehabilitation process, monitor your progress and provide ongoing support to help you return safely to your sport.

7. Performance enhancement

In addition to injury prevention and treatment, a Sports Podiatrist can also help improve your athletic performance. By assessing your foot and lower limb biomechanics, gait and functional movements, they can identify any inefficiencies or limitations that may be affecting your performance. A Sports Podiatrist can use these findings to develop a customised plan to optimise your lower limb function. After an in-depth assessment, they will suggest any required stretching and strengthening programmes, orthotics if appropriate requ and advising you on your optimal footwear. By addressing any biomechanical issues and optimising your foot and lower limb function, you can enhance your performance, increase your efficiency and reduce the risk of injuries.

Participating in sports and physical activities are enjoyable and beneficial to your physical and mental health but also comes with the risk of foot and lower limb injuries. The Podiatrists at The Perth Podiatrists offer specialised knowledge and expertise to support you in your athletic endeavours. To avoid an injury, we encourage you to have an assessment particularly when endeavouring in a new sporting activity or returning to sports, or returning to walking activities after an illness or injury. By prioritising your foot and lower limb health, you can stay healthy and injury-free, and continue to enjoy your physical activities.

Sports Podiatry at The Perth Podiatrists

If you’re an athlete or an active individual, who enjoys sports and physical activities, consider a consult with The Perth Podiatrists. With expertise in sports-related injuries, we can optimise your foot and lower limb health to help you stay on top of your game and keep you on your feet.

Take the first step towards better foot health and book online with The Perth Podiatrists today.

Gregory McCluney