What Is A Foot Doctor? Are They Different From Podiatrists?

foot doctor

If you’re experiencing foot, ankle or leg pain, it might be time to consider medical help. In your research, you may have come across the terms "Foot Doctor" and "Podiatrist" and wonder if a difference exists between the two. Are they interchangeable terms or do they refer to distinct healthcare professionals?

In this article, we’ll provide some clarification on the terms “Foot Doctor” and “Podiatrist” for when you seek treatment for a foot or ankle problems.

Foot Doctor

The term "Foot Doctor" is a colloquial or layman's term used to refer to healthcare professionals who specialise in treating foot-related problems.

“Foot Doctors” are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of foot and ankle conditions, including injuries such as fractures, foot deformities, infections and chronic conditions which affect the feet.


Podiatrists are trained to diagnose and manage a wide range of foot and ankle conditions, including injuries such as fractures, foot deformities, infections and chronic conditions. They provide both non-surgical and surgical treatment options for foot and ankle pathology. Podiatrists with additional training can also prescribe and/or supply prescription medication. Podiatrists work in a variety of clinical settings such as hospitals, orthopaedic clinics and/or private practices, and they collaborate with other healthcare professionals. When you see the term “Podiatrist” or consult with a “Podiatrist” they must be registered with AHPRA to practice in Australia. AHPRA, and the elected Podiatry Board of Australia define the registration standards (together with the National Law) and requirements for all podiatrists, developing codes of practice and guidelines to provide guidance to the profession ensuring public safety.

Is there a difference?

Not really but you should ensure your Podiatrist is registered with AHPRA and follow all the guidelines set by The Podiatry Board of Australia.

When to Seek Help from a Foot Doctor or a Podiatrist

Podiatrists aka “Foot Doctors” are highly qualified healthcare professionals, who can accurately diagnose and treat your foot or ankle condition. The Perth Podiatrists meet AHPRA requirements and regularly attend courses, conferences to maintain , regularly attending courses to maintain their skills. Please contact The Perth Podiatrists if you experience any of the following:

  • Foot Pain: Persistent or worsening foot pain that affects your daily activities, such as walking, standing or exercising. Your Podiatrist aka “Foot Doctor” will help.

  • Foot Deformities: If you develop any changes in the shape, size or alignment of your feet, such as bunions, hammertoes or flat feet.

  • Foot Injuries: If you suffer an injury to the foot or ankle, such as an ankle sprain, fracture or dislocation. Your Podiatrist aka “Foot Doctor: will get you back on your feet.

  • Skin and Nail Conditions: If you develop fungal infections, ingrown toenails or plantar warts. Your Podiatrist at The Perth Podiatrists offer the latest treatment options including: Fungal Nail Laser Treatment, Wart Treatment and Ingrown Toe Nail Surgery.

  • Chronic Foot Conditions: If you have chronic foot conditions such as arthritis, neuropathy or diabetes.

  • Sports-related Foot Problems: If you’re an athlete or engage in regular sports activities, a Sports Podiatrist or a “Foot Doctor” with sports medicine expertise such as The Perth Podiatrists can provide specialised care for sports-related foot and ankle injuries, biomechanical issues and performance enhancement. Please see when to see a Sports Podiatrist.

In conclusion, the terms "Foot Doctor" and "Podiatrist" are often used to refer to the same healthcare professional, and at The Perth Podiatrists I often find the term “Foot Doctor” or “you’re my foot man” quite endearing when used by my patients. Regardless of your preferred term, the correct foot care can help you maintain healthy feet and prevent complications in the long run.

Gregory McCluney Perth Podiatrist DIP. POD, POST. GRAD. DIP. (POD)., M.SC. (POD)

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Don't let foot or ankle pain hinder your mobility and affect your overall well-being. The Perth Podiatrists are here to help! Our team of highly qualified podiatrists specialise in diagnosing and treating foot and ankle conditions, from common ailments to complex issues.

Don't hesitate to book an appointment with The Perth Podiatrists and take the first step towards healthier feet.

Gregory McCluney